Ra-Ste Co.

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About us

Ra Ste Co. is a Bulgarian company specialized in trading foodstuffs: tinned fruit, tinned vegetables, candies.

The company offers a wide range of high-quality products: fruit in syrup, vegetable tins, pickles, fruit drops.

The products are supplied in various containers and packages (tins, glass jars, barrels, special packages Tetra Pak).

The company has warehouses in Sofia and provides transport with its own vehicles.

Since its foundation in 1993 Ra Ste Co. has become a reputable and reliable business partner. The company has partnerships with leading producers in Bulgaria, Europe and Asia.

Ra Ste Co. is a recognized supplier for the major chains of stores throughout the country.

The company’s customers include BILLA, Kaufland, Carrefour, Maxima.


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